Dear Friends,
Plybon & Associates is open, working regular office hours (and then some!), and is ready to assist you in any and every way. We are all healthy, as are our families, and hope you are as well. Some of us are working remotely, while others are in the office. For those in the office, we’ve spread out work stations and staggered “shifts” to ensure no one has to violate social distancing protocol. All of our people, technologies and procedures are in full working order. Please call or email if we can help in any way.
Until we get passed this period, we’ll be conducting all meetings via Zoom, GoTo Meeting, etc. If we have a meeting with you scheduled, we’ll be reaching out with login instructions.
You can continue to reach us at 336.292.9050 and, or follow us on Twitter (@PlybonInc) and LinkedIn.
We are living in extraordinary times. Plybon & Associates will be here for you, and together we will get through this.
As always, thank you for your trust and confidence. Be safe.
Your friends at Plybon & Associates